
Something Not Well

Rainy  days  go  on  several  days  without  interruption.

Ms. Xia  shared  the  lyrics  minutes  ago  that  Karen Mok  performed  so  well  and  caught  my  soul  long  years  before. 

A song has  power, also  spirit.

Some  memories  spring  up  directly   with  no  preparation,

Some  sad  emotions  arrives  the  bottom,

Some  stories  maybe  with  nobody  can  tell.

Some  feelings  need  to  be  protected  far  away  from  the  sight  of  people.

They  love  quietness  also  secret. Please  don`t  bother.

Adventure  may  hurt  you, but  monotony  will  kill  you. Life  maybe  a  gift while  encounterness  is a kind of luck. Perhaps, failure  gave me a wake-up call  although   it   made  me  badly  painful.

Sometimes  ever,  sometimes never.

Work  for  it. It`s  that  simple.

Sound  sleep.


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